Christian Existential Psychotherapy
In Christian Existential Psychotherapy we focus on concerns and dilemmas present in the individuals life (Existence) and in their relationship to God (Christian). The aim is to offer the means for individuals to examine, confront, clarify and reassess their understanding of life, the problems encountered throughout their life, and the limits imposed upon the possibilities inherent in the world we live in. It seeks to enable a person to live more deliberately, more authentically and more purposefully, whilst accepting their own limitations and the contradictions of human existence. It encourages a dependence on God to fulfill human needs and be a source of Strength and Inspiration in life and to develop their Personal and Spiritual identity rooted in Christ.
Therapy helps clients face and overcome the anxiety that emerges from a person’s attempts to cope with the givens of existence by working towards maturity in their personal, interpersonal and Spiritual relationships.
The Goals of Christian Existential Psychotherapy are to…
- enable people to become more truthful with themselves
- to widen their perspective on themselves and the world around them
- find clarity on how to proceed in the future while taking lessons from the past
- attributing meaning to their lived experience in the present
- be in a fulfilling relationship with God and live a purpose driven existence with a personal vision and faith in God
- be in a loving, caring and understanding relationship with their fellow man, self and their physical environment/ nature
- embrace the life changing grace that Christ has to offer
Discover your Potential
All human beings has been created with n inherent potential to direct their lives and
lead a fulfilling existence in harmony with God
Live life with the Freedom of Choice
All human beings have the capacity to make choices regarding their own lives and achieve personal goals and thereby needs to take responsibility for their choices
Live Authentically
All human beings can develop the capacity to life authentically, true to themselves and be in control of their own lives.
Deal with the Givens of Existence
The givens of existence may effect individuals sense of personal well being to such an extent that it leads to states of anxiety and depression.
Live life with Meaning and Purpose
Discover God’s meaning and purpose for your life and relationships.
Live in a Mature and Fulfilling Relationship with God
Discover your identity in Christ and live an abundant life
The Focus of Christian Existential Psychotherapy
In Christian Existential Psychotherapy we focus on four dimensions of existence:
• Environmental/ Biological– relation to biological/ physical reality
• Interpersonal– relationship with others, friends, family,partner
• Personal– relationship with oneself
• Spiritual – relationship with God
Christian Existential Psychotherapy has as main aim to develop an attitude of self reflection and to put principles in place in the client’s life to ensure that they can continue life of personal and spiritual growth.
Therapy helps clients find a fulfilling direction for their future life with a full recognition of the paradoxes that have to be faced in the process. To live with a sense of meaning and purpose rooted in Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit.
Authentic living with courage and humility is an objective in Christian Existential Psychotherapy. Learning to reflect on ones self and communicate effectively with others is another. It always requires a philosophical exploration of Biblical truths about human existence and the client’s worldview.
When this exploration is conducted satisfactorily and fully it often leads an individual to develop greater insights into their own existence and a more mature and fulfilling relationship with God. It enables individuals to be more equipped to deal with life’s challenges and to live a meaningful life.
The primary task of the therapist is to recognize together with the client the specific tensions that are at work in the client’s life. This requires a process of careful scrutiny and description of the client’s experience and a gradually growing familiarity with the client’s particular situation and stance in the world. It requires of the client to develop an attitude of introspection and self reflection.
Issues such as a sense of meaning and purpose in life, relationships issues, emotional and/or spiritual obstacles to growth, living with a personal vision in life, are addressed.
The particular circumstances of the client’s life are recognized, as is their wider context. The psychotherapeutic process of Christian Existential Psychotherapy is then to elicit, clarify and put into perspective all the current issues and contradictions that are problematic. Part of the work consists in enabling the client to come to terms with the inherent contradictions in life and foster a mature dependence on God and increased self awareness.
The Duration of Christian Existential Psychotherapy
The duration of Christian Existential Psychotherapy can vary from four to twelve sessions, with a focus on specific issues, to a more long term commitment with monthly follow up sessions.